5 Important Libraries in Python

Aaryaman Thakur
2 min readJun 14, 2021

Hello everyone. I am here to give a brief on what is a library and 5 important libraries of python which everyone should know. So lets begin!

What is a library?

A library refers to a collection of modules that together cater to a specific type of need or specification. A module is a file with .py extension containing variables, class definition statements and functions related to a particular task.

Libraries in Python:

There are many libraries in python. We will take a brief of some of the important libraries which one will come across while programming in python.

  1. NumPy: NumPy which stands for Numerical Python consists of multidimensional array objects and a collection of routines for processing those arrays. It also has functions for working in domain of linear algebra, fourier transform and other different matrices operations. The main reason why we use NumPy is that it provides array objects which are much much faster than the predefined lists in python as NumPy arrays are stored in one continuous memory location unlike lists.
  2. Pandas: Pandas is a Python library used for working with datasets. It has inbuilt functions which helps in analyzing, cleaning, exploring and manipulating data especially for time-series data. The main reason for using Pandas is that they are used to analyse big data sets and give results based on statistical theories. Moreover they clean up data sets and make them easy to understand and relevant.
  3. Matplotlib: Matplotlib is an amazing visualizing library which helps in 2-D plots of array. These plots help us to understand trends and finding correlation between them. It makes it easy to visualize a large data set in easy and simple visuals.
  4. SciPy: SciPy which stands for Scientific Python is a computation library that provides important utility functions like optimization, stats and signal processing. It also provides us with other efficient numerical practices like numerical integration. Scipy is built on Python NumPy extension.
  5. Flask: Flask is a web application framework written in Python meaning it is a third party library which is used for developing web applications. Flask is easy for beginners because there is little boilerplate code for getting simple app up and running. There are many extensions provided which helps in adding new functionality easily.

